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Geophysics (PER QC801.G4) The Leading Edge (PER TN269.G42) Geophysical Prospecting (PER TN269.G4) First Break (PER Qc801.F5) Exploration Geophysics (PER TN269.A8) Geophysical Research Letters (PER QC801.G388) Canadian Geophysical Bulletin (PER QC801.C28) Journal of Geophysical Research (PER QC811.J6) Geophysical Journal International (PER QC801.G382) Pure and Applied Geophysics (PER QC801.G34) EAEG Conference Abstracts (PER QC801.E9) SEG Abstracts (TN269.S57) Proceedings of the IEEE (PER TK5700.I6) |
Sheriff, R.E., and Geldart, L.P. (1995) Exploration Seismology (2nd Ed.), Cambridge University Press (Qto. TN269.S52415 1995) Robinson,E.A. and Treitel, S. (1980) Geophysical Signal Analysis, Prentice Hall (TN269 .R55 1980) Robinson, E.A. (1983) Multichannel Time Series Analysis. Goose Pond Press (QA280 .R58 1983) Hatton, L. , Worthington, M.H., Makin, J. (1986)Seismic Data Processing: theory and practice, Blackwell (QE538.5 .H37 1986) Press, W.H., Teukolsky,S.A., Vetterling,W.T. and Flannery,B.P. (1992) Numerical Recipes in Fortran. The Art of Scientific Computing. 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press (QA297 .N8662 1992) Yilmaz, O. (1987) Seismic Data Processing, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (TN269 .Y55 1987) Bording, R.P., and Lines, L.R. (1997) Seismic Modelling and Imaging with the Complete Wave Equation, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (TN269.8.B67 1997) Meju, M.A. (1994) Geophysical Data Analysis: Understanding Inverse Problem Theory and Practice, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (available in Lab) Claerbout, J. (2000) Geophysical Estimation by Example: Environmental soundings image construction: Multidimensional autoregression , incomplete on-line text. |
On-Line Information - Maths & Computing
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics Netlib: Collection of mathematical software & papers |
On-Line Information - Geology & Geophysics
Interior Structure of the Earth General Earthquake Facts & Information Inversion Methods for Applied Geophysics |